Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 37 (1992)


páginas v-viii

Enrique Ramírez de Arellano
páginas ix-x

Enrique Ramírez de Arellano
página xi

Alejandro Adem Díaz de León
Semblanza biográfica de José Adem (1921-1991)
páginas xiii-xiv

Alejandro Adem Díaz de León
Jose Adem (1921-1991): a biographical sketch
páginas xv-xvi

Adem, Alejandro ; Milgram, R. James
Invariants and cohomology of groups
páginas 1-25

M. A. Aguilar
Characteristic numbers for the bordism of immersions
páginas 27-39

A. K. Bousfield, Donald M. Davis
On the unstable Adams spectral sequence for SO and U, and splittings of unstable Ext groups
páginas 41-53

F. R. Cohen
On the Whitehead square, Cayley-Dickson algebras, and rational functions
páginas 55-62

Joel M. Cohen, Flavia Colonna
The Bloch space of a homogeneous tree
páginas 63-82

M. C. Crabb, I. M. James
Fibrewise configuration spaces
páginas 83-97

M. D. Crossley, J. R. Hubbuck
Not the Adem relations
páginas 99-107

H. Dherte, Y. Félix
Free circle actions on rational suspensions
páginas 109-113

Tammo tom Dieck
Optimal rational curves and homotopy planes
páginas 115-138

Duan Haibao, Elmer G. Rees
Functions whose critical set consists of two connected manifolds
páginas 139-149

Edward Fadell, Sufian Husseini
Category weight and Steenrod operations
páginas 151-161

Yasukuni Furukawa
Whitehead square in ex-homotopy theory
páginas 163-165

Samuel Gitler
The cohomology of blow ups
páginas 167-175

J. F. Glazebrook, D. Sundararaman
Deformations of foliated quaternionic structures and the twistor correspondence
páginas 177-187

Peter Greenberg
Les espaces de bracelets, les complexes de Stasheff et le groupe de Thompson
páginas 189-201

John R. Harper
Relations in the mod 3 cohomology algebra of a space
páginas 203-214

Lars Hesselholt, Ib Madsen
The S1-Tate spectrum for J
páginas 215-240

Hugh M. Hilden, María Teresa Lozano, José María Montesinos-Amilibia
On the character variety of group representations of a 2-bridge link p/3 into PSL(2,C)
páginas 241-262

Peter Hilton, Christopher Schuck
Calculating the genus of certain nilpotent groups
páginas 263-269

Michael J. Hopkins, Douglas C. Ravenel
Suspension spectra are harmonic
páginas 271-279

Mitsunori Imaoka
Unstable elements related to the stable homotopy of projective spaces
páginas 281-288

Solomon M. Jekel
Real analytic Γ-structures with one leaf on the torus
páginas 289-291

Donald W. Kahn
Twisted tori and the characteristic classes of a self-equivalence
páginas 293-302

George R. Kempf, José Muñoz Porras
Equations for curves in their Jacobians
páginas 303-308

John Klippenstein, Luciano Lomonaco
On the coefficients of the double total squaring operation
páginas 309-316

Stanley O. Kochman
The symplectic Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for spheres
páginas 317-338

Wen-Hsiung Lin
EHP spectral sequence in the lambda algebra
páginas 339-353

W. S. Massey
The homotopy type of certain configuration spaces
páginas 355-365

C. A. McGibbon, Joseph Roitberg
Phantom maps and rational equivalences. II
páginas 367-381

Haynes Miller
Finite localizations
páginas 383-389

Norihiko Minami
On the odd-primary stable J-homomorphism
páginas 391-399

Kenneth G. Monks
Nilpotence in the Steenrod algebra
páginas 401-416

Guillermo Moreno
Spherical classes in the bordism of the torsion molecule
páginas 417-429

R. Schwänzl, R. Vogt
Homotopy homomorphisms and the hammock localization
páginas 431-448

José Seade
The index of a vector field under blow ups
páginas 449-461

Daniel B. Shapiro, Marek Szyjewski
Product formulas for quadratic forms
páginas 463-474

Michael Slack
The length of Dyer-Lashof operations and stable Postnikov systems
páginas 475-478

Tara L. Smith, Paul Yiu
Constructions of sums of squares formulae with integer coefficients
páginas 479-495

Victor P. Snaith
Explicit Brauer induction and Shintani descent
páginas 497-517

E. Spanier
On equivariant cohomology
páginas 519-524

Wacław Szymański
Closedness of compressions of families of Hilbert space operators
páginas 525-533

Charles B. Thomas
Modular representations and the cohomology of finite Chevalley groups
páginas 535-543

K. Tsukiyama
An uncountable group of fibre homotopy equivalences
páginas 545-548

Wolmer V. Vasconcelos
The top of a system of equations
páginas 549-556

Takashi Watanabe
On the Chern character homomorphisms of SO(n) and Spin(n)
páginas 557-577

Tsutomu Yasui
Vector bundle epimorphisms and submersions
páginas 579-585

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