Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 27 (1982)

Luis Moreno-Armella
Perpendicularidad y localizaciones de Whitney
pages 1-24

D. M. Gallo
A note on the correspondence between Fuchsian groups and algebraic curves
pages 25-28

A. K. Basu
The order of approximation in the random central limit theorem for maximum sums in non-identical case
pages 29-34

Shirley Bromberg
Un teorema de extensión en clase C1
pages 35-44

E. Bujalance
Klein surfaces as orbit spaces of NEC groups
pages 45-49

Emilio Lluis-Puebla and Victor Snaith
On the integral homology of the symmetric group
pages 51-55

Alexander Abian and Esfandiar Eslami
Solvability of infinite systems of infinite linear equations
pages 57-64

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