Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 31 (1986)

José Adem
Classification of low-dimensional orthogonal pairings
pages 1-27

E. Antoniano, S. Gitler, J. Ucci, P. Zvengrowski
On the K-theory and parallelizability of projective Stiefel manifolds
pages 29-46

R. Smith, H. Tapia-Recillas
A note on curves of even genus
pages 47-49

Roy Smith, Robert Varley
Gauss maps and first order deformations of singular hypersurfaces
pages 51-56

Adalberto García-Máynez, Richard G. Wilson
Classes of topological spaces preserved under real compactifications
pages 57-60

M. A. Aguilar, G. Pastor
On maps cobordant to embeddings
pages 61-67

Víctor Pérez-Abreu
A note on the regularization theorem of continuous linear random functionals on S
pages 69-74

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