Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 19 (1974)

Victor S. Albis González
The maximal abelian extension of a local field as a kummerian extension
pages 1-8

Sevín Recillas
Jacobians of curves with g41's are the prym's of trigonal curves
pages 9-13

O. C. García
Generalization of Stone and Shirota theorems to partially ordered topological spaces
pages 14-25

J. H. Hunt
The Phragmen-Brouwer theorem for separated sets
pages 26-35

Alberto Verjovsky
A note on foliation on spheres
pages 36-37

J. F. McClendon
Relative principal fibrations
pages 38-43

L. G. Gorostiza and A. R. Moncayo
Invariance principle for sums of independent random variables on a binary tree
pages 44-47

Alberto Verjovsky
Codimension one Anosov flows
pages 49-77

Stephen D. Comer
Elementary properties of structures of sections
pages 78-85

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