Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 29 (1984)

Daniel B. Shapiro
On the Hurwitz problem over an arbitrary field
pages 1-4

E. Antoniano and S. Gitler
Axial maps and cross-sections
pages 5-9

Leon Kushner, Harold Levine and Paulo Porto
Mapping three manifolds into the plane
pages 11-33

J. J. Etayo-Gordejuela
NEC subgroups in Klein surfaces
pages 35-41

Wojciech Szatzschneider
Some notes about the random motion of a particle
pages 43-51

Carlos Imaz
Infinitesimal models for calculus
pages 53-57

J. M. Gamboa
A note on hyperplane sections of real algebraic sets
pages 59-63

José Adem
On Yuzvinsky's theorem concerning admissible triples over an arbitrary field
pages 65-69

José Luis Abreu and Habib Salehi
Schauder basic measures in Banach and Hilbert spaces
pages 71-84

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