Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 21 (1976)

Marie-Paule Muller
An analytic foliation of the plane without weak first integrals of class C1
pages 1-5

Marie-Paule Muller
Quelques propriétés des feuilletages polynomiaux du plan
pages 6-14

Juan F. Corona-Burgueño
A model of branching processess with random environments
pages 15-27

J. J. Rivaud
A remark on a converse of Taylor's Theorem
pages 28-31

Kee Yuen Lam
A note on Stiefel manifolds and the generalized J homomorphism
pages 33-38

A. J. Berrick, S. Feder and S. Gitler
Symmetric axial maps and embeddings of projective spaces
pages 39-41

A. García-Maynez
Shrinkability and the KC-properties
pages 42-45

José A. Canavati and Maximiliano Diaz
On approximation numbers, n-diameters and measure of non-compactness
pages 46-51

Luis G. Gorostiza
Limit theorem for certain random motions of Rd
pages 52-61

Luis G. Gorostiza
A note on the limits of branching processes
pages 62-64

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