Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 28 (1983)

Sergey Yuzvinsky
On the Hopf condition over an arbitrary field
pages 1-7

M. Oudadess
Commutativité de certaines algèbres de Banach
pages 9-14

Hannu Niemi
Asymptotic stationarity of nonstationary L2-processes with applications to linear prediction
pages 15-29

H. Salehi and M. Slocinski
On normal dilation and spectrum of some classes of second order processes
pages 31-48

José Luis Abreu and Helga Fetter
The shift operator of a non-stationary sequence in Hilbert space
pages 49-57

S. D. Chatterji
Positive definite kernels
pages 59-65

Erik G. F. Thomas
A simple proof of the Cameron-Martin theorem making use of Schwartz reproducing kernels
pages 67-76

W. Donoghue and P. Masani
A class of invalid assertions concerning function Hilbert spaces
pages 77-80

A. G. Miamee and H. Salehi
On an explicit representation of the linear predictor of a weakly stationary stochastic sequence
pages 81-93

Bernhard Mellein
Kac functionals of diffusion processes approximating critical branching processes
pages 95-107

Antoni Wawrzyñczyk
Faithful representations of Banach-Lie algebras
pages 109-112

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