Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 16 (1971)

S. Gitler and R. J. Milgram
Unstable divisibility of the Chern character
pages 1-14

Joseph Strutt
Projective homotopy classes of spheres in the stable range
pages 15-25

Donald W. Anderson
Resolutions of fibrations
pages 26-28

K. K. Jun
A remark on a theorem of R. C. James
pages 29-31

Carlos Imaz and Zdenek Vore
Ordinary differential equations in a Banach space and retarded functional differential equations
pages 32-37

A. García-Máynez
Some generalizations of the Hausdorff separation axiom
pages 38-41

J. H. V. Hunt
A connectivity map f: Sn→Sn-1 does not commute with the antipodal map
pages 43-45

A. García-Máynez
On σ-connected sets
pages 46-51

Gordon G. Johnson
An arc and a cube
pages 52-53

Jose L. Abreu
Prediction theory for non-stationary generalized stochastic processes
pages 54-57

M. A. Gutierrez
Homology of knot groups: I Groups with deficiency one
pages 58-63

José Adem
On nonsingular bilinear maps II
pages 64-70

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