Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 18 (1973)

José M. Montesinos
Variedades de Seifert que son recubridores cíclicos ramificados de dos hojas
pages 1-32

S. Feder and S. Gitler
Mappings of quaternionic projective spaces
pages 33-37

David L. Smallen
Weak equivalence of fibrations
pages 38-41

Harvey Baker
A cohomology-computing cover for pseudoconcave families
pages 42-49

A. Joffe and A. R. Moncayo
On sums of independent random variables defined on a binary tree
pages 50-54

J. J. Rivaud
Differential structures and tangent bundles on Banach manifolds
pages 55-58

Sevín Recillas
Maps between Hurwitz spaces
pages 59-63

J. González, C. Imaz and Z. Vorel
Functional and ordinary differential equations
pages 64-69

Habib Salehi
A note on minimality and interpolation of harmonizable Hilbert sequences
pages 70-71

O. C. García
Colimits and corefiective subcategories in partially ordered topological spaces
pages 72-81

Richard Kuntz
Associated prime divisors in the sense of Noether
pages 82-88

Thomas B. Garner
Vector fields on manifolds with boundary
pages 89-96

Alberto Medina
Invariants d'un feuilletage et champs de vecteurs feuilletés
pages 97-99

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