Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 22 (1977)

Samuel Feder, Samuel Gitler and Mark E. Mahowald
On the stable homotopy type of stunted projective spaces
pages 1-5

On σ-unicoherence
pages 6-9

Alberto de la Torre
Ergodic H1 spaces
pages 10-22

A. G. Miamee, H. Salehi
A note on the product of operator-valued measures
pages 23-24

Rodolfo Suárez
Functional differential equations of advanced type
pages 25-34

Tomasz Bojdecki
On optimal stopping of independent random variables appearing according to a renewal process, with random time horizon
pages 35-40

Enrique Antoniano
La acción del algebra de Steenrod sobre las variedades de Stiefel proyectivas
pages 41-47

J. Milgram, J. Strutt and P. Zvengrowski
Projective stable stems of spheres
pages 48-57

S. Jekel
A note on the perfection of the fundamental group of the classifying space for codimension one real analytic foliations
pages 58-59

W. Schachermayer
On compact spaces which are not c-spaces
pages 60-63

Horacio Tapia-Recillas
Subgroups of finite index of a class of Abelian varieties
pages 64-68

Alexander Abian
A special class of rings of functions and their finitely subcoverable extensions
pages 69-72

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