Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2)

Volumen 5 (1960)


Ciudad Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, del 7 al 13 de septiembre de 1959

Editores: L. Cesari, J. P. Lasalle y S. Lefschetz

Conferencias por invitación

Rudolph E. Langer
Turning points in linear asymptotic theory
pages 1-12

Dario Graffi
Alcuni risultati qualitativi e quantitativi sulle equazioni differenziali non lineari
pages 13-23

Lamberto Cesari
Existence theorems for periodic solutions of nonlinear differential systems
pages 24-41

J. L. Massera and J. J. Schäffer
Linear differential equations and functional analysis
pages 42-48

Jack K. Hale
On the method of Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolski for the existence of integral manifolds of perturbed differential systems
pages 51-57

Jack K. Hale
On the characteristic exponents of linear periodic differential systems
pages 58-66

Jack K. Hale and Arnold Stokes
A discussion of differential equations on product spaces
pages 67-74

Primera Mesa Redonda: Recent Methods in the Study of Invariant Manifolds

Presidente: Lamberto Cesari

Walter T. Kyner
Invariant manifolds
pages 75-76

Segunda Mesa Redonda: Optimal Control Systems

Presidente: J.P. LaSalle

Richard Bellman
Dynamic programming and classical analysis
pages 79-89

Robert Kalaba
Some aspects of adaptive control processes
pages 90-101

R. E. Kalman
Contributions to the theory of optimal control
pages 102-119

J. P. LaSalle
Time optimal control
pages 120-124

Emilio O. Roxin
Reachable zones in autonomous differential systems
pages 125-135

Tercera Mesa Redonda: The Method of Liapunov and Applications

Presidente: Henry Antosiewicz

Solomon Lefschetz
Controls: an application of the direct method of Liapunov
pages 139-143

H. A. Antosiewicz and J. Dugundji
Parallelizable flows and Lyapunov's second method
pages 144-145

Taro Yoshizawa
Liapunov's function and boundedness of solutions
pages 146-151

J. J. Levin and J. A. Nohel
Global asymptotic stability for nonlinear systems of differential equations and applications to reactor dynamics
pages 152-157

J. L. Massera
Converse theorems of Lyapunov's second method
pages 158-163

Cuarta Mesa Redonda: Structural Theory

Presidente: Mauricio Peixoto

Jürgen Moser
On the elimination of the irrationality condition and Birkhoff's concept of complete stability
pages 167-175

J. Moser
On the integrability of area preserving Cremona mappings near an elliptic fixed point
pages 176-180

Sol Schwartzman
On the existence of strongly recurrent and periodic orbits
pages 181-183

Bruce L. Reinhart
Periodic orbits on two manifolds
pages 184-187

M. M. Peixoto
Structural stability on two-dimensional manifolds
pages 188-189

Lawrence Markus
Periodic solutions and invariant sets of structurally stable differential systems
pages 190-194

Stephen Smale
On dynamical systems
pages 195-198

Georges Reeb
Sur certains problèmes de topologie algébrique et de topologie générale en dynamique
pages 199-202

Trabajos Presentados

Daniel C. Lewis, Jr.
Poincaré's theorem generalized for the perturbation of invariant manifolds
pages 205-219

Philip Hartman
On local homeomorphisms of Euclidean spaces
pages 220-241

Johannes André and Peter Seibert
Piecewise continuous differential equations
pages 242-245

William A. Harris, Jr.
Singular perturbation problems
pages 246-254

H. L. Turrittin
The formal theory of systems of irregular homogeneous linear difference and differential equations
pages 255-264

Wallace D. Hayes
Stability of periodic solutions of general second-order equations
pages 265-269

Pinchas Mendelson
On unstable attractors
pages 270-276

Richard Bellman and Kenneth L. Cooke
Stability and asymptotic theory for linear differential-difference equations
pages 277-283

Courtney Coleman
Forced oscillations in 3-space
pages 284-289

Sibuya Yasutaka
On bounded solutions of ordinary differential equations with almost periodic coefficients
pages 290-293

Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Turning-point problems in diffraction theory
pages 294-295

Samuel Barocio
Note on a three-dimensional singularity of a continuous vector field
pages 296-298

pages 299

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